How Can Hearing Aids Restore Your Confidence?
Hearing loss is a widespread issue, with nearly 28.8 million Americans potentially significantly benefitting from their use. Among the myriad benefits of using hearing aids, one of the most notable is how hearing aids can help restore lost confidence. Often, hearing loss can lead to feelings of isolation and a loss of self-assurance. If you…
Staying Informed with Hearing Aids and Alerting Devices
Our ears play a crucial role in keeping us informed and alerting us to potential dangers, from the blare of car horns to the shrill of a wake-up alarm or a timely frisbee warning at Bacon Creek Park. A surprising 1.5 billion people in the world live with some degree of hearing loss. When hearing…
Understanding and Managing Worsening Tinnitus
Tinnitus, often described as a persistent ringing, buzzing or humming sound in the ears, can be an incredibly frustrating condition to live with. What adds to the challenge for many is that tinnitus often worsens over time. Understanding why this happens and exploring effective management strategies can provide much-needed relief and support for those affected…
How To Recognize and Manage Aphasia
Aphasia is a complex communication disorder stemming from damage to the brain regions involved in language. In the U.S., it impacts an estimated 2 million individuals, displaying a wide range of symptoms that call for individualized treatment plans. Deciphering Aphasia Originating from brain injury, often due to strokes and typically affecting the brain’s left hemisphere,…
What Are the Stages of Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is a prevalent issue that affects auditory processing abilities due to various reasons, including inner ear damage or the inevitable process of aging. Data suggests that about 15% of adults in the United States experience some form of hearing loss. While some instances of hearing loss can be averted, understanding the nuances of…
A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Pediatric Hearing Issues
Hearing plays a pivotal role in a child’s growth, influencing their ability to communicate, understand language and develop cognitive skills. For children facing challenges like auditory processing disorder (APD) or hearing loss, these issues can impede their learning and social interactions. As a parent, it’s vital to grasp how to effectively manage these conditions to…
Engaging with Hearing Loss in 2024: Boosting Awareness and Taking Action
Hearing loss affects approximately 15% of U.S. adults. Because hearing loss is considered an invisible condition, you may not be aware of the people in your life living with it. Taking time in 2024 to learn about and engage with hearing loss is one way you can help lessen its invisibility. Two opportunities to engage…
How Can Hearing Aids Grow Your Social Circle?
Making and maintaining friendships is hard. For those with hearing loss, growing a social circle comes with added difficulties. Let’s take a look at how hearing loss impacts your ability to maintain a healthy social circle and how hearing aids can help. How Does Hearing Loss Impact Social Relationships? A 2009 study found that hearing…
Enhance Your Hearing, Health and Well-Being in the New Year
As we embark on a new year, it’s time to prioritize your overall health and well-being. While we often set resolutions for improving our health, it’s common to forget the importance of hearing health. Addressing hearing loss not only improves your ability to communicate with the world around you but also safeguards your overall health…
How Cleaning Hearing Aids Can Prevent Infection
Hearing aids are a common tool used by seven percent of adults over 45 years old to enhance their hearing capabilities. However, if not cleaned and maintained properly, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. This is due to the moist and cool environment within your ear where the hearing aids reside….