A Music Lover’s Guide to Hearing Aids
If you love going to go to concerts at the Sioux City Orpheum or can spend hours perusing through record stores, chances are music is very important to you. If you use hearing aids, you might be concerned that you won’t be able to hear songs the way you used to. The good news is…
Will Humidity Affect Your Hearing Aids?
Breathing in that crisp fall air by McCook Lake is an unsurprisingly humid experience. Humidity can make it feel warmer and cause frizzy hair, but it may also play a role in hearing aid care. Hearing aids are small but technologically advanced devices worn by approximately 7.1% of adults aged 45 and older. The remarkable…
Accommodating Your Hearing Loss While Job Searching
Beginning a job search with hearing loss can be a nerve-racking experience. Whether you’re just starting the application process or shopping at Sora Boutique for the perfect interview outfit, there are steps you can take along the way to accommodate your hearing loss and ensure a smooth job search journey. Some preparations you choose to…
What To Know About Ear Piercings and Hearing Aids
If you are one of the 28.8 million adults in the United States who could benefit from hearing aid use, you probably have a lot of questions about how to use them and whether or not they are the right option for you and your hearing loss. You might wonder if they will make it…
Tips for Connecting Your Hearing Aids With Other Technology
Technology is constantly advancing and changing, and hearing aids are no exception. Rechargeable batteries, Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth® are just a few new additions to select hearing aid models. Bluetooth allows different wireless devices to connect with each other at a short range. A common example of this would be wireless headphones connecting to your…
Is There a Link Between Hearing Aids and Vertigo?
We’ve all experienced the occasional bout of dizziness or lightheadedness from standing up too quickly or not eating enough. However, if you deal with frequent spells of feeling as though the room is spinning, you may be dealing with vertigo. Because vertigo is often associated with issues related to the inner ear, some people worry…
Here’s How Hearing Aids Use New Technology to Help You Hear Better in Crowds
Hearing loss can make it harder to hear when you’re in crowded places like a convention center or a busy restaurant. Hearing aids can help you hear better in busy environments by working to suppress background noise and amplify the speech of those around you. However, not all hearing aids are the same when it…
Enjoy These Activities Even More With Hearing Aids
Hearing loss makes life tougher. Not only does it make it harder to understand sounds that are happening around you, but it also makes it harder for you to participate in many of the activities that you enjoy. The good news is that treating your hearing loss with hearing aids can make it easy to…
What Is a Directional Microphone?
If you have hearing loss, you know that listening in places with a lot of background noise or locating where a specific sound is coming from can be difficult. The good news? Hearing aids with directional microphones can help! Let’s take a closer look at how they work and the ways they can benefit you….
How to Help Your Grandchildren Understand Your Hearing Aids
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Among adults aged 45 and over, hearing difficulties increased with age among men and women.” If you’re in this age group and are experiencing hearing loss, your audiologist may have recommended hearing aids. If so, you may be wondering how to help your grandchildren understand…